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May Day 2022

Editorial by Nicholas Partyka, PhD, Editor

May 1, 2022

Greetings comrades and fellow workers! Happy May Day!


Today seems as auspicious an occasion as we could want for the re-launching of the Socialist Party’s official magazine, The Socialist. Yes, we have been quiet for a long while, but we’re looking forward to building a publication worthy of our party and its rich tradition, one that reflects the Socialist Party’s unique position in the contemporary socialist movement. I have often said that one of the great strengths of the Socialist Party is that it is a party of, for, and by working people. One of the unfortunate issues that comes along with having a party run by workers themselves is that life often presents challenges that can lead to disruptions in important work. That said, as a party we have not stopped and will not stop working to build the Socialist Party into a party capable of leading the working class in its struggle to transform capitalist society.


Releasing a May Day issue has been one of longest-running traditions for The Socialist. So, as part of getting back to our core mission, we offer a special collection of essays by current and or former Socialist Party members. The pieces are meant to offer food for thought as the socialist movement reflects on its past and considers the path to the future. Today is an important day for socialists the world over to celebrate the history of struggle of working people for a better world for working people. The socialist movement since its very inception has striven to create a society where all have access to the means of a dignified and fulfilling life. The Socialist Party recognizes the importance of placing ourselves within that legacy of struggle and carrying it forward into an increasingly uncertain future.  


Going forward The Socialist will strive to present thought provoking and interesting material that reflects the variety of perspectives, and richness of debate that exists within the Socialist Party. We hope that by sharing different perspectives in a comradely way we can promote discussion on a range of important topics from current events to socialist theory. We hope this will be of interest not only to party members, but the wider socialist movement as well. We aim to build a broadly based socialist movement rooted in our multi-tendency ethos, untied around the commitment to political action independent of and indeed in opposition to both parties of the bourgeoisie. The Socialist 


From climate change to imperialism and nuclear war, to the cost of housing and food, the working class here at home as well as internationally faces challenges as grave as at any point in its history. Only solidarity and collective struggle offer us a way out of our predicament. In order to achieve political power and begin to transform society the working class must organize as a political unit, that is, it must build a political party of its own. We invite all those who share our vision for a better society to join us. The time is now to organize and fight for a better future, a socialist future.

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